You hit someone they say "oof" and a cartoony heart dissapears. Heroes fight bad guys, it's not like this game is graphic with the violence. If you think this has too much violence for your kid then you shouldn't have even introduced any superhero in existence. People are also complaining there's too much violence but there really isn't.

So Kang is actually one of my favorite characters in the game because, although he's the villain, he also serves as comedic relief. With TT Games newest entry in the superhero saga, Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2, I couldnt help but feel this fruit no longer had any juice to squeeze out of it. The plot is also very interesting, so you go through time with a variety of characters to stop Kang the Conquerer. LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 sees heroes and villains from across Marvel dimensions taking on Kang the Conqueror, and features the new hub world of Chronopolis. Join the Guardians of the Galaxy and play out the opening scene of the second movie. If you are an MCU mega fan you will be pleased to see all kinds of easter eggs they've hidden in the game, which I am not going to spoil. This guide covers the first DLC level for Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2. LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 combines all of the aspects of previous LEGO games into one and tries to improve upon it. The missions are super fun and there are all kinds of mini-missions in the game. One of my favorite aspects of this game is that it's a good sequel to the first, however, with that in mind, you don't actually need to complete the first version of this game. The FingerGuns Review If there’s one thing that TT Games excels at when compared to any other developer in the world it’s that their passion and understanding of the licensed property that they’re working on always shines through. I'm really confused why this has consumerism in it when in reality, it doesn't. LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 is among the best LEGO games ever created.